Edward Madden
Edward Madden
Morris Gest Music Publishing Co.
This song was composed for Gertrude Hoffmann and her Salome dance act at Hammerstein's Roof Garden in New York. Judging from the lyrics, the lighting was kept subdued, not a difficult matter at an outdoor theatre even on a summer's evening.

The habenera rhythm for an oriental dance probably comes from the Spanish-Moorish cultural mix and would be recognized as a musical cue for something "Mediterranean."

"Salome" rhymes with "dome," as in Irving Berlin's "Sadie Salome Come Home."

In the second verse it appears that the camels fold up their tents!

Under Egypt's tropic moon, Where the Nile lies gleaming,
All alone one night in June, As I wandered dreaming,
O'er the sand,... Grim and grand, Came a band,...stealing;
From the ghostly caravan, Came a phantom dancing,
Thro' each movement, passion ran; In her dark eyes glancing,
So it seemed,...Love-light beamed, But I dreamed...Only dreamed......


Just a vision of Salome, Under Egypt's starry dome,
She seem'd to croon An eastern tune,
Beneath the bright Egyptian moon; In the magic of her smile,
Lay the myst'ry of the Nile; And while she danced,
I gazed entranced, By my vision of Salome.

Through the silence of the night, Phantom camels springing,
Folding up their tents of white, O'er the desert swinging;
So they passed,...Fading fast,... Till at last,...turning....
I beheld the fair Salome, Heard her voice appealing,
"I am doomed by Fate to roam, Thro' the shadows stealing,"
Off she danced, As I glanced, Came the dawn, She was gone......
