It’s Great To Be Alive
Carmen Lombardo & John Jacob Loeb
Carmen Lombardo & John Jacob Loeb
Lauritz Melchior
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., New York
Arabian Nights
“From Guy Lombardo’s new Musical Extravangza ‘ARABIAN NIGHTS,’ starring Lauritz Melchior” and produced by Allen Zee at the Jones Beach, New York, State Park summer theater. Melchior was the celebrated Metropolitan Opera tenor. In the water that separated the audience from the stage, a “Disappearing Water Ballet” was performed by the Ballet Theatre with Mia Slavenska. The summer sea-side venue helps to explain the opening line and the reference to clam chowder in the second chorus, a possible plug for Lombardo’s seashore restaurant in near-by Freeport, NY. See also “A Thousand and One Nights,” also from this musical.

The fireflies light up the summer skies,
They know It’s Great To Be Alive!
The Persian lamb says that’s the reason
I don’t want to be a coat next season
Bagdad boys know ev’ry girl enjoys
a desert date, a moonlight drive
He brings her home, it’s nearly dawn outside
From such a harmless little camel ride
Her papa says “Son, you’ve won yourself a bride”
That boy won’t wait to set the date
He knows It’s Great To Be Alive.
The young gazelle is leaping twice as well
He knows It’s Great To Be Alive
The rooster crows a little louder
Clams clam up when you suggest clam chowder
Fate contrives to give the cat nine lives
And at that rate He should survive
But “Mickey Mouse” was interviewed today
And on this point had simply this to say,
“Oh! boy! Eight down and one to go, hooray!”
I just can’t wait to celebrate
They know It’s Great To Be Alive.”