Sheik’s son on his desert ship comes riding,
With the caravan abiding, face like the sun.
Sees pass in the Sultan’s train a maiden,
Like the moon, with eyes love laden,
His heart is won,
Tahmineh mine, my heart enshrine,
In heart of thine, love,
Sweetheart divine!
Tahmineh, flee with me across the sandy sea,
You shall my princess be,
For all eternity;
The love I give to thee,
Will bloom so tenderly,
There is but one paradise,
It shines in your eyes for me.
Far out, where the simoon is ablowing
And its deadly harves[t] mowing,
Those lovers fled.
Starless was the desert night, no haven
Save the witching eyes of raven,
And still he said: “Tahmineh mine,
My heart enshrine,
In heart of thine,
Love, sweetheart divine!