Sudan skies flame above,
Sudan eyes gleam of love,
In that scented oriental bazaar
Where the desert merchants come from afar,
Stands an Arab chieftain bold, waiting there;
Watching, longing for his lov’d lady fair
Then as he holds her near
You will hear…
My Sudanese,
Fair Sudanese,
I’ve brought you gifts for your pleasure
Here at your feet is my treasure,
I soon shall claim you for my own,
My Sudanese,
Fair Sudanese,
Some day we will gallop away
To the Kingdom where I hold sway,
My queen, my Sudanese
Moonlight o’er hill and plain;
Caravans rest again.
Desert stars above are shedding their light,
Camel bells are silent now in the night.
Rides an Arab lover there, singing low,
On to rest where bright campfires are aglow,
And as he swings along,
Hear his song….