Michael Kelly
Charles W. Ward
Chas. Christmas, London
From the "Forty Thieves, a Grand Romantic Drama in Two Acts" attributed to R. B. Sheridan and George Colman, the Younger, although Sheridan's role was small and Charles W. Ward was probably Coman's collaborator. The working title for the show was "Ali Baba."

Ah what is the bosom's commotion
In a sea of suspense while tis tost,
While the heart in our passion's wild ocean,
Feels even hope's anchor is lost.
Morgiana, ah, thou art my dearest;
For thee I have languish'd and griev'd,
And when Hope to my bosom was nearest
How oft has that hope been deceiv'd;
Morgiana my hope was deceiv'd.

The Storm of despair is blown over,
No more by its Vapour depress'd,
I laugh at the clouds of a Lover,
with the sunshine of Joy in my breast.
Love made by a Parent of duty,
To the wish of my heart now arriv'd,
I bend to the power of Beauty,
And ev'ry fond hope is reviv'd.
Morgiana, my hope is reviv'd.