Ah what is the bosom's commotion
In a sea of suspense while tis tost,
While the heart in our passion's wild ocean,
Feels even hope's anchor is lost.
Morgiana, ah, thou art my dearest;
For thee I have languish'd and griev'd,
And when Hope to my bosom was nearest
How oft has that hope been deceiv'd;
Morgiana my hope was deceiv'd.
The Storm of despair is blown over,
No more by its Vapour depress'd,
I laugh at the clouds of a Lover,
with the sunshine of Joy in my breast.
Love made by a Parent of duty,
To the wish of my heart now arriv'd,
I bend to the power of Beauty,
And ev'ry fond hope is reviv'd.
Morgiana, my hope is reviv'd.