Al Koro chief of an Arab band,
On his steed so swift and white,
Sped to his love o'er the desert sand,
Thro' the soft Egyptian night,
And he sang to the stars above him,
To the stars that seemed to love him;
In a voice that was brave and low,
Of the love that the Bedouins know.
Oh! wait for me in your home by the Pyramids,
We will happy be;
For my love for you will last as long,
as the Nile flows to the sea,
Oh! wait for me in your home by the Pyramids,
Love me all you can;
Then I'll be your King,
and you'll be Queen,
of my caravan.
O'er the burning sand he took his flight,
Till at length 'neath the banyan's shade
Al Koro's heart was soon made light
By the smiles of his gypsy maid,
And she sighed "I have long been yearning
For my Arab chief's returning,
As you told me I should do,
I have waited long for you--"