Farewell farewell to thee, Araby's daughter,
Thus warbled a Peri beneath the dark sea,
No pearl ever lay under Oman's green water,
More pure in its shell than thy Spirit in thee.
Around thee shall glisten the loveliest amber,
That ever the sorrowing seabird has wept,
With many a shell, in whose hollow-wreath'd chamber,
We Peris of ocean by moonlight have slept.
Nor shall Iran, belov'd of her Hero forget thee,
Tho' tyrants watch over her tears as they start,
Close, close by the side of that Hero she'll set thee,
Embalm'd in the innermost shrine of her heart.
Around thee shall glisten the loveliest amber,
That ever the sorrowing seabird has wept,
With many a shell, in whose hollow-wreath'd chamber,
We Peris of ocean by moonlight have slept.