Lucien Denni
Roger Lewis
Leo Fitzpatrick
J.W. Jenkins Sons Music Co., Kansas City, Mo.
"Tut-Ankh-Hamen" rhymes with "flamin'."
The excavators "Jesse Jamesed," i.e., robbed, his tomb.
"Salome" rhymes with "home" and is mis-rhymed with "throne."
The Erie Railroad was one of the major rail systems in the US.
In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan was flourishing in many states.
Prohibition was on, so moonshine was flowing.
Who/what are "Yits Yoks?"

Along the valley of the Nile, tonight a torch is flamin'
Because two excavators found the tomb of Tut Ankh Hamen.
They searched and searched for years and years at last they found the king
And while they Jesse Jamesed his tomb, these royal ghouls would sing.

Old King Tut was a wise old nut to sleep three thousand years,
He never gave a checkroom Jane six bits to check a two-bit cane,
Within a room they called a tomb he went away to sleep
He took along a wealth of jewels, Egyptian cows and sheep.
Old King Tut was a wise old nut to snore away in peace
No landlord ever chased him there, he had a good long lease.
They stored his tomb with beef and wine to help his journey on,
Today we find the beef is there but all the wine is gone.
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, so let the King sleep on.

Old King Tut was a wise old nut to sleep three thousand years,
He never had to pawn his throne to buy a meal for some Salome,
Within a room next to his tomb he gamboled for a lark,
Invited all the ladies there because the tomb was dark.
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, there's not the slightest doubt
The tomb was not to keep him in but keep the pikers out.
They buried him and all the men were jealous of the King,
They left him twenty dancing girls and they had ev'rything,
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, O death where is thy sting?

Old King Tut was a wise old nut to sleep three thousand years,
He never had an ache or pain or had to ride an Erie train,
He drank some old Egyptian wine, it was his private brew,
It had some kick and only now the King is coming to.
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, He had a great old time
Three thousand years upon the Nile, And never spent a dime.
He got into his royal bed three thousand years, B.C.
And left a call for three o'clock in nineteen twenty three,
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, Oh, woudst the King were me!

Old King Tut was a wise old nut to sleep three thousand years,
He never had the chills or croup or gargle Kosher noodle soup,
Within a room next to his tomb one night he gave a ball
The Pharaohs all played Faro but it wasn't fair at all.

Old King Tut was a wise old nut, with the pyramids on top
He had a show there ev'ry night no Ku Klux Klan could stop
The day he died they stored a thousand jugs of wine away.
With moonshine twenty bucks a quart what's his stuff worth today?
Old King Tut was a wise old nut, Come where the Yits Yoks play.
