One night, while all the desert lay a-dreaming.
Beneath the sky so softly beaming, gleaming,
O'er the sands, there rode an Arab chieftain,
He came his to offer to a maiden.
With love his heart was heavy laden,
And 'neath the tropic moon he sang,
To the desert Queen Amina.
Queen of the night,
Far o'er the desert ocean
I come to plight
My love and heart's devotion.
Princess divine,
Love's serenade I sing thee,
Queen of the night, Amina mine.
To thee, Amina mine my thoughts are turning,
My soul with love is ever burning, yearning,
Hark to me! My heart and hand I offer.
Far o'er the burning desert I have ridden.
Thy love my eager steps have bidden.
I come to claim thee for my bride,
Be my own my Queen Amina.