Across the way from where I live, There lives a girl and her name is Rebecca,
She's twenty-three.
She saw an oriental show And then decided she would go To Mecca,
across the sea.
And so she went one day, To Turkey far away, And she lived near the Sultan's den;
She stayed there just two years, Got full of new ideas, And now she's back home again.
Since Rebecca came back from Mecca,
All day long she keeps on smoking Turkish tobecca;
With her veil upon her face,
She keeps dancing 'round the place,
And yesterday her father found her
With a Turkish towel around her,
Oh! Oh! Ev'ryone's worried so;
They think she's crazy in the dome;
She's as bold as Theda Bara,
Theda's bare but Becky's barer.
Since Rebecca came back home
In Mecca where the nights are hot, Rebecca got and awful lot of learning,
She certainly did.
She goes to sleep when shadows creep And has to keep a bowl of incense burning,
Some classy kid!
Her mother feels so sad, Her brother Moe is mad, And he keeps on complaining so,
To satisfy her whim, she keeps on calling him "Mohammed" instead of Moe.
Since Rebecca came back from Mecca,
All day long she keeps on smoking Turkish tobecca.
She lays on a Turkish rug,
Ev'ryone says she's a bug,
And since she's back home from the Harem,
She has clothes but she don't wear 'em.
Oh! Oh! Ev'ryone's worried so;
She made the Sultan lose his throne;
Once her little sister Sonia
Wore her clothes and got pneumonia,
Since Rebecca came back home.