Sadie Cohen left her happy home
To become an actress lady,
On the stage she soon became the rage.
As the only real Salomy baby,
When she came to town, her sweetheart Mose
Brought for her around a pretty rose;
But he got an awful fright
When his Sadie came to sight.
He stood up and yelled with all his might:
Don't do that dance, I tell you Sadie,
That's not a bus'ness for a lady!
'Most everybody knows
That I'm your loving Mose,
Oy, Oy, Oy, Oy, Where is your clothes?
You better go and get your dresses,
Everyone's got the op'ra glasses.
Oy! such a sad disgrace, No one looks in your face;
Sadie Salome, go home.
From the crowd Moses yelled out loud,
"Who put in your head such notions?
You look sweet but jiggle with your feet.
Who put in your back such funny motions?
As a singer you was always fine!
Sing to me, 'Because the world is mine!'
Then the crowd began to roar,
Sadie did a new encore,
Mose got mad and yelled at her once more: