'Cross the desert span,
Comes the Arab man,
In the twilight rests his caravan;
Arabs ev'rywhere,
For the night prepare
Singing Allah's praises for the Clan.
Tents of the Arabs dot the horizon,
Camels swinging from their track,
Bringing back their treasure pack;
Glowing and red is the sun as it dies on
Silent men, bent in pray'r,
and painting them crimson gold.
'Cross the desert span,
Comes the Arab man,
In the twilight rests his caravan;
Arabs ev'rywhere,
For the night prepare
Singing Allah's praises for the Clan.
Tunes fill the air with love words
That will bear a message
From the dreamy Arab to his love,
His eyes search the moonlit skies
Where he'll find his answer in the stars above.
'Cross the desert span,
Comes the Arab man,
In the twilight rests his caravan;
Arabs ev'rywhere,
For the night prepare
Singing Allah's praises for the Clan.